How to stop Bluetooth Audio from cutting off on my computer
Use the following directions to avoid screen readers cutting off the beginning of words while using Bluetooth audio.
You can use heading navigation to skip two directions for your screen reader.
Please follow these directions to enable the ability to constantly play silence to keep your Bluetooth connection alive.
- Press Jaws key + 6 to open settings Center.
- Press Control+shift+d to activate the Default Settings.
- Type “blue” to locate the “Avoid speech cut off when using Bluetooth headphones” option
- Press Space to select this option
- Tab to Apply and press Space
- Tab to OK, and press space
A description of this option From the settings:
Many modern Bluetooth headphones and speakers shut down after a while of not receiving sound to conserve battery. If this check box is selected, JAWS will keep them awake by constantly playing silence. You will not hear anything, but your device will remain active, resulting in more consistent speech. Note that the battery of your headphones/speakers could drain faster if you turn this on.
This check box is cleared by default.
- Download the following Addon: BluetoothAudio
- Activate the NVDA Menu
- Select “Tools” followed by “Manage Add Ons”
- Press ALT+I to Install Addons
- Locate the downloaded file and press enter
- Verify you want to install the addon with Alt+Y
- Press ALT+C to close the dialog after installing addon
- Press ALT+Y to restart NVDA
From the addon page:
Bluetooth Audio is an NVDA add-on that improves sound quality when working with bluetooth headphones or speakers.
Most bluetooth devices enter standby mode after a few seconds of inactivity. That means that when NVDA starts speaking again, the first split second of sound will be lost. Bluetooth Audio add-on prevents bluetooth devices from entering standby mode by constantly playing a silent sound that is inaudible to a human ear.
Warning: using Bluetooth Audio add-on might reduce battery life of your bluetooth device.
In narrator a setting does not currently exist, so you would need to use a 3rd party tool for this ability.
- Download Silenzio and install the program
- Enable the Silenzio application to start on startup
Please note, Silenzio may have negative impacts on your battery if using a laptop computer as it is constantly sending audio to the soundcard.